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Behind the scenes

Laughing together, taking on challenges, having fun, relaxing, seeing possibilities and seizing opportunities, all part of working at ABF. 

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Duration: 0:58 - Posted: 2 months ago

ABF company party 2024

ABF came together for a fantastic night out at Holy Moly Club in Breda! With a DJ, the live band De jongens van je-weet-wel, and an array of delicious bites, the night was full of fun and great conversations. Watch the video for a brief impression and a short word from our CCO, Sander Oorthuijs.

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Duration: 0:47 - Posted: 7 months ago

Company event 2024

During the Future Food Festivities of ABF at Dekring Roosendaal, astronaut André Kuipers told us that we are all astronauts aboard the spaceship Earth and how important it is that we keep it in good condition, our executive members reflected on 2023 and looked ahead to 2024. And of course, there was time to enjoy some good food and drinks together to rocket-launch 2024.

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Duration: 1:04 - Posted: 11 months ago

ABF Onboarding Day 2023

Every few months, ABF has an onboarding day. This day is dedicated to letting all new employees get acquainted with the various ABF departments in a relaxed atmosphere. Curious to find out how that works? This video gives you an excellent impression.

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Duration: 1:18 - Posted: 3 months ago

New job. Got it.

Want to know more about the recruitment process at ABF? Watch the video above, in which we explain what happens after you apply for a job at ABF.
Got any further questions? Just give Thom a call or send her a message! 
+31619691023 or thle@abf.store

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Duration: 1:12 - Posted: 11 months ago

ABF company Event 2023

The ABF summer party 2023 was a hit. Check it out! The ingredients were all there to have a fun party. A great Spanish bistro with lovely tapas & drinks, games and entertainment. This after-movie is proof that ABF team members are not only dedicated to their job, but they can also have fun. Fiesta. Got it.

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Duration: 2:04 - Posted: 7 months ago

New Rotterdam office. Got it.

Hello, and welcome to our new Rotterdam office! Meet Sergio, our region manager, and your tour guide for today. In the video below, Sergio walks you through all the steps we take to keep up with our growth. Like to get this tour in person? Check our vacancies, and you might run into him.

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Duration: 0:55 - Posted: 0 months ago

ABF HR Policies 2023

What if you were allowed to work from abroad for an entire workweek every year? For instance, just pack your laptop and visit family in another country. Work during the day, and spend quality time with family and friends during the night. And what course would you follow when you don’t have to pay back the training costs? At ABF, we got your back because these two policies have recently been implemented.

Sounds interesting? Our Recruiters share more information about these new policies in this video. Discover our vacancies, and hopefully, we will see you soon!

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Duration: 1:06 - Posted: 3 months ago

Drone Video ABF store 2023

Discover ABF in flight mode! Follow the smooth logistic route your ordered bearings, electric motor takes before it’s delivered at your doorstep.

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Duration: 1:03 - Posted: 0 months ago

Good times, got it!

We’re glad that company outings are allowed again! Recently, we took a scenic boat trip through Rotterdam, where our new office is currently being completed. Want to come aboard and join our team? Check our vacancies!

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Duration: 0:48 - Posted: 8 months ago

We planted a forest

For our 2021 charity campaign, we have had 2.500 trees planted in collaboration with Trees for All. One half in the Netherlands, the other 1.250 trees in Vietnam. Watch the video and see our green fingers in action!

Hear from our colleagues

Read the stories of our people

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“ABF gave me the chance to further develop my career.”  

Silvia Diaz Martinez

Region Manager English, French & Spanish region

Read her story

“The best team in the warehouse.”

Jimi van den Beemt

Warehouse Employee

Read his story

“I gained the trust of both management and my team to take on this leadership position.”

Michael Bom

Software Development Manager

Read his story

“When I came to work here, it really felt like I was in a warm bath.”

Monique Aarts

Warehouse Employee

Read her story

“I immediately knew that I would be in the right place at ABF.”

Sergio Finotti

Regional Manager

Read his story